When I was following the students traveling to outdoor and collecting whatever materials that they found interesting from the nature, many questions popped up on my mind that I had not thought of. The first one was: What were the connections between each activity in the class?
1. The warmup exercise was great that the students were told to choose only one material to put on the big piece of foam board. One of them chose tooth-sticks and the other student chose feathers.
2. The students were divided into groups and discussed Andy Goldsworthy’s art work. They had three questions: What is it made out of? Where was it made? How was it made? I thought they were great questions because all of them pinpointed the art concept of Goldsworthy’s.
3. Then, the students went outside to collect materials for creating their art work. I wondered if each of the students was asked to pick only one material, what would have their work turned out. If the teachers asked each student to find a specific location, such as in the bush, on the lawn, on a tree, on side walk, would it be related to the environment much more? Would it let the students to think deeper on the creation of their own art work?

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