Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Learning Spaces, Demonstration, and Scaffolding: Connections?

How can we as teachers begin to construct additional spaces for learning in our classroom? What do these spaces provide our students? How do these spaces provide a new kind of dialogue between students and teachers?

When we as teachers engage students through demonstration in our classrooms, what does that look like? How are those processes being constructed and conveyed? Our students participation within these instructional moments are revealing of many things, what might those be? How can each classroom make adjustments this week in order to improve these important teaching-learning opportunities?

What is scaffolding? How are we as teachers utilizing this important tool in our classroom?

What connections do you see between learning spaces, demonstration, and scaffolding? How can we think about these three concepts throughout the remainder of the semester? How can these concepts become embodied in our teaching, classrooms, and curriculum?

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